Source code for _pytask.warnings_utils

"""This module contains utility functions for warnings."""
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import re
import textwrap
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import cast
from typing import Generator
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from _pytask.mark_utils import get_marks
from _pytask.nodes import Task
from _pytask.outcomes import Exit

    from _pytask.session import Session

__all__ = [

[docs] class WarningReport(NamedTuple): message: str fs_location: tuple[str, int] id_: str | None
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=50) def parse_warning_filter( # noqa: PLR0912 arg: str, *, escape: bool ) -> tuple[warnings._ActionKind, str, type[Warning], str, int]: """Parse a warnings filter string. This is copied from warnings._setoption with the following changes: - Does not apply the filter. - Escaping is optional. - Raises UsageError so we get nice error messages on failure. """ __tracebackhide__ = True error_template = textwrap.dedent( f"""\ while parsing the following warning configuration: {arg} This error occurred: {{error}} """ ) parts = arg.split(":") if len(parts) > 5: # noqa: PLR2004 doc_url = ( "" ) error = textwrap.dedent( f"""\ Too many fields ({len(parts)}), expected at most 5 separated by colons: action:message:category:module:line For more information please consult: {doc_url} """ ) raise Exit(error_template.format(error=error)) while len(parts) < 5: # noqa: PLR2004 parts.append("") action_, message, category_, module, lineno_ = (s.strip() for s in parts) try: action: warnings._ActionKind action = warnings._getaction(action_) # type: ignore[attr-defined] except warnings._OptionError as e: raise Exit(error_template.format(error=str(e))) # noqa: B904 try: category: type[Warning] = _resolve_warning_category(category_) except Exit as e: raise Exit(str(e)) # noqa: B904 if message and escape: message = re.escape(message) if module and escape: module = re.escape(module) + r"\Z" if lineno_: try: lineno = int(lineno_) if lineno < 0: raise ValueError("number is negative") except ValueError as e: raise Exit( # noqa: B904 error_template.format(error=f"invalid lineno {lineno_!r}: {e}") ) else: lineno = 0 return action, message, category, module, lineno
def _resolve_warning_category(category: str) -> type[Warning]: """Resolve the category of a warning. Copied from :func:`warnings._getcategory`, but changed so it lets exceptions (specially ImportErrors) propagate so we can get access to their tracebacks (pytest- dev/pytask/#9218). """ __tracebackhide__ = True if not category: return Warning if "." not in category: import builtins as m klass = category else: module, _, klass = category.rpartition(".") m = __import__(module, None, None, [klass]) cat = getattr(m, klass) if not issubclass(cat, Warning): raise TypeError(f"{cat} is not a Warning subclass") return cast(type[Warning], cat)
[docs] def warning_record_to_str(warning_message: warnings.WarningMessage) -> str: """Convert a warnings.WarningMessage to a string.""" msg = warnings.formatwarning( message=warning_message.message, category=warning_message.category, filename=warning_message.filename, lineno=warning_message.lineno, line=warning_message.line, ) return msg
def parse_filterwarnings(x: str | list[str] | None) -> list[str]: """Parse filterwarnings.""" if x is None: return [] if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return [i.strip() for i in x] raise TypeError("'filterwarnings' must be a str, list[str] or None.") @contextmanager def catch_warnings_for_item( session: Session, task: Task | None = None, when: str | None = None, ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Context manager that catches warnings generated in the contained execution block. ``item`` can be None if we are not in the context of an item execution. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as log: # mypy can't infer that record=True means log is not None; help it. assert log is not None for arg in session.config["filterwarnings"]: warnings.filterwarnings(*parse_warning_filter(arg, escape=False)) # apply filters from "filterwarnings" marks if task is not None: for mark in get_marks(task, "filterwarnings"): for arg in mark.args: warnings.filterwarnings(*parse_warning_filter(arg, escape=False)) yield id_ = task.short_name if task is not None else when for warning_message in log: fs_location = warning_message.filename, warning_message.lineno session.warnings.append( WarningReport( message=warning_record_to_str(warning_message), fs_location=fs_location, id_=id_, ) )