Repeating tasks with different inputs - The pytest way#


This guide shows you how to parametrize tasks with the pytest approach. For the new and preferred approach, see this tutorial.

Do you want to define a task repeating an action over a range of inputs? Parametrize your task function!


The process of repeating a function with different inputs is called parametrizations.

See also

If you want to know more about best practices for parametrizations, check out this guide after you have made yourself familiar with this tutorial.

An example#

We reuse the previous example of a task that generates random data and repeat the same operation over some seeds to receive multiple, reproducible samples.

First, we write the task for one seed.

import numpy as np
import pytask

@pytask.mark.produces(BLD / "data_0.pkl")
def task_create_random_data(produces):
    rng = np.random.default_rng(0)

In the next step, we repeat the same task over the numbers 0, 1, and 2 and pass them to the seed argument. We also vary the name of the produced file in every iteration.

    "produces, seed",
    [(BLD / "data_0.pkl", 0), (BLD / "data_1.pkl", 1), (BLD / "data_2.pkl", 2)],
def task_create_random_data(seed, produces):
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

The parametrize decorator receives two arguments. The first argument is "produces, seed" - the signature. It is a comma-separated string where each value specifies the name of a task function argument.

See also

The signature is explained in detail below.

The second argument of the parametrize decorator is a list with one element per iteration. Each element must provide one value for each argument name in the signature - two in this case.

pytask executes the task function three times and passes the path from the list to the argument produces and the seed to seed.


If you use produces or depends_on in the signature of the parametrize decorator, the values are handled as if they were attached to the function with @pytask.mark.depends_on or @pytask.mark.produces.

Un-parametrized dependencies#

To specify a dependency that is the same for all parametrizations, add it with @pytask.mark.depends_on.

@pytask.mark.depends_on(SRC / "common_dependency.file")
    "produces, seed",
    [(BLD / "data_0.pkl", 0), (BLD / "data_1.pkl", 1), (BLD / "data_2.pkl", 2)],
def task_create_random_data(seed, produces):
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

The signature#

pytask allows for three different kinds of formats for the signature.

  1. The signature can be a comma-separated string like an entry in a CSV table. Note that white space is stripped from each name which you can use to separate the names for readability. Here are some examples:

    "first_argument, second_argument"
  2. The signature can be a tuple of strings where each string is one argument name. Here is an example.

    ("first_argument", "second_argument")
  3. Finally, using a list of strings is also possible.

    ["first_argument", "second_argument"]

The id#

Every task has a unique id that can be used to select it. The normal id combines the path to the module where the task is defined, a double colon, and the name of the task function. Here is an example.


This behavior would produce duplicate ids for parametrized tasks. Therefore, there exist multiple mechanisms to have unique ids.

Auto-generated ids#

pytask construct ids by extending the task name with representations of the values used for each iteration. Booleans, floats, integers, and strings enter the task id directly. For example, a task function that receives four arguments, True, 1.0, 2, and "hello", one of each dtype, has the following id.[True-1.0-2-hello]

Arguments with other dtypes cannot be converted to strings and, thus, are replaced with a combination of the argument name and the iteration counter.

For example, the following function is parametrized with tuples.

@pytask.mark.parametrize("i", [(0,), (1,)])
def task_example(i):

Since the tuples are not converted to strings, the ids of the two tasks are[i0][i1]

User-defined ids#

Instead of a function, you can also pass a list or another iterable of id values via ids.

This code

@pytask.mark.parametrize("i", [(0,), (1,)], ids=["first", "second"])
def task_example(i):

produces these ids[first]  # (0,)[second]  # (1,)

Convert other objects#

To change the representation of tuples and other objects, you can pass a function to the ids argument of the @pytask.mark.parametrize decorator. The function is called for every argument and may return a boolean, number, or string, which will be integrated into the id. For every other return, the auto-generated value is used.

We can use the hash value to get a unique representation of a tuple.

def tuple_to_hash(value):
    if isinstance(value, tuple):
        return hash(a)

@pytask.mark.parametrize("i", [(0,), (1,)], ids=tuple_to_hash)
def task_example(i):

The tasks have the following ids:[3430018387555]  # (0,)[3430019387558]  # (1,)