Developer’s Guide#


Run pytest to execute the test suite.

The test suite creates many temporary directories. There is usually a limit on the number of open file descriptors on Unix systems which causes some tests and the end of the test suite to fail. If that happens, increase the limit with the following command.

$ ulimit -n 4096

How to release#

The following list covers all steps of a release cycle.

  • Start a new release cycle by opening a milestone. Assign all relevant issues and merge requests to this milestone.

  • Every change is pushed to the main branch of the repository and will make it into the next release.

  • Once all additions to a release are merged, prepare changes.rst in the source folder of the documentation listing all changes which made it into the release.

  • Update the version numbers in the animations if you create a new major or minor release.

  • Go to the release tab. Create a new release by clicking on “Draft a new release” and add a tag named vx.x.x on main and make it also the release title. Click on “Publish release”.

    Creating a tag will trigger a pipeline which builds the package and uploads it to PyPI which consequently triggers a new release on conda-forge.

Creating showcases on the command line#

  • Replace prompt in powershell core with a simple arrow by typing

    $ function prompt {"> "}
  • Rename the tab with

    $ $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $title

Profiling the application#


To profile pytask, you can follow this video (it also features explanations for git bisect, caching, and profiling tools). We use cProfile with

$ python -m cProfile -o log.pstats -m pytask directory/with/tasks

The profile can be visualized with

$ pip install yelp-gprof2dot
$ gprof2dot log.pstats | dot -T svg -o out.svg


To measure how long it takes to import pytask, use

$ python -X importtime -c "import pytask"