Source code for _pytask.traceback

"""Process tracebacks."""
from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Generator
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import Union

import _pytask
import pluggy
from rich.traceback import Traceback

__all__ = [

_PLUGGY_DIRECTORY = Path(pluggy.__file__).parent
_PYTASK_DIRECTORY = Path(_pytask.__file__).parent

ExceptionInfo = Tuple[Type[BaseException], BaseException, Union[TracebackType, None]]

[docs] def render_exc_info( exc_type: type[BaseException], exc_value: BaseException, traceback: str | TracebackType, show_locals: bool = False, ) -> str | Traceback: """Render an exception info.""" # Can be string if send from subprocess by pytask-parallel. if isinstance(traceback, str): # pragma: no cover renderable = traceback else: renderable = Traceback.from_exception( exc_type, exc_value, traceback, show_locals=show_locals ) return renderable
[docs] def format_exception_without_traceback(exc_info: ExceptionInfo) -> str: """Format an exception without displaying the traceback.""" return f"[red bold]{exc_info[0].__name__}:[/] {exc_info[1]}"
[docs] def remove_traceback_from_exc_info(exc_info: ExceptionInfo) -> ExceptionInfo: """Remove traceback from exception.""" return (*exc_info[:2], None)
[docs] def remove_internal_traceback_frames_from_exc_info( exc_info: ExceptionInfo, ) -> ExceptionInfo: """Remove internal traceback frames from exception info. If a non-internal traceback frame is found, return the traceback from the first occurrence downwards. """ if exc_info is not None and isinstance(exc_info[2], TracebackType): filtered_traceback = _filter_internal_traceback_frames(exc_info) exc_info = (*exc_info[:2], filtered_traceback) return exc_info
def _is_internal_or_hidden_traceback_frame( frame: TracebackType, exc_info: ExceptionInfo ) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if traceback frame belongs to internal packages or is hidden. Internal packages are ``_pytask`` and ``pluggy``. A hidden frame is indicated by a local variable called ``__tracebackhide__ = True``. """ is_hidden = frame.tb_frame.f_locals.get("__tracebackhide__", False) if callable(is_hidden): return is_hidden(exc_info) if is_hidden: return True path = Path(frame.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename) return any(root in path.parents for root in (_PLUGGY_DIRECTORY, _PYTASK_DIRECTORY)) def _filter_internal_traceback_frames( exc_info: ExceptionInfo, ) -> TracebackType: """Filter internal traceback frames from traceback. If the first external frame is visited, return the frame. Else return ``None``. """ frame = exc_info[2] for frame_ in _yield_traceback_frames(frame): if frame_ is None or not _is_internal_or_hidden_traceback_frame( frame_, exc_info ): break return frame_ def _yield_traceback_frames( frame: TracebackType, ) -> Generator[TracebackType, None, None]: """Yield traceback frames.""" yield frame yield from _yield_traceback_frames(frame.tb_next)