Source code for _pytask.graph

"""This file contains the command and code for drawing the DAG."""
from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import click
import networkx as nx
from import ColoredCommand
from import EnumChoice
from _pytask.compat import check_for_optional_program
from _pytask.compat import import_optional_dependency
from _pytask.config import hookimpl
from _pytask.config_utils import _find_project_root_and_config
from _pytask.config_utils import read_config
from _pytask.console import console
from _pytask.exceptions import CollectionError
from _pytask.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from _pytask.exceptions import ResolvingDependenciesError
from _pytask.outcomes import ExitCode
from _pytask.pluginmanager import get_plugin_manager
from _pytask.session import Session
from _pytask.shared import parse_paths
from _pytask.shared import reduce_names_of_multiple_nodes
from _pytask.shared import to_list
from _pytask.traceback import remove_internal_traceback_frames_from_exc_info
from rich.text import Text
from rich.traceback import Traceback

    from typing import NoReturn

class _RankDirection(enum.Enum):
    TB = "TB"
    LR = "LR"
    BT = "BT"
    RL = "RL"

def pytask_extend_command_line_interface(cli: click.Group) -> None:
    """Extend the command line interface."""

    "The layout determines the structure of the graph. Here you find an overview of "
    "all available layouts:"

    "The output path of the visualization. The format is inferred from the file "

    "The direction of the directed graph. It can be ordered from top to bottom, TB, "
    "left to right, LR, bottom to top, BT, or right to left, RL."

@click.option("-l", "--layout", type=str, default="dot", help=_HELP_TEXT_LAYOUT)
    type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, path_type=Path, resolve_path=True),
def dag(**raw_config: Any) -> NoReturn:
    """Create a visualization of the project's directed acyclic graph."""
        pm = get_plugin_manager()
        from _pytask import cli


        config = pm.hook.pytask_configure(pm=pm, raw_config=raw_config)

        session = Session.from_config(config)

    except (ConfigurationError, Exception):
        session = Session({}, None)
        session.exit_code = ExitCode.CONFIGURATION_FAILED

                extra="The layout program is part of the graphviz package which you "
                "can install with conda.",
            dag = _refine_dag(session)
            _write_graph(dag, session.config["output_path"], session.config["layout"])

        except CollectionError:
            session.exit_code = ExitCode.COLLECTION_FAILED

        except ResolvingDependenciesError:
            session.exit_code = ExitCode.DAG_FAILED

        except Exception:  # noqa: BLE001
            session.exit_code = ExitCode.FAILED
            exc_info = remove_internal_traceback_frames_from_exc_info(sys.exc_info())


[docs] def build_dag(raw_config: dict[str, Any]) -> nx.DiGraph: """Build the DAG. This function is the programmatic interface to ``pytask dag`` and returns a preprocessed :class:`pygraphviz.AGraph` which makes plotting easier than with matplotlib. To change the style of the graph, it might be easier to convert the graph back to networkx, set attributes, and convert back to pygraphviz. Parameters ---------- raw_config : Dict[str, Any] The configuration usually received from the CLI. For example, use ``{"paths": "example-directory/"}`` to collect tasks from a directory. Returns ------- pygraphviz.AGraph A preprocessed graph which can be customized and exported. """ try: pm = get_plugin_manager() from _pytask import cli pm.register(cli) pm.hook.pytask_add_hooks(pm=pm) # If someone called the programmatic interface, we need to do some parsing. if "command" not in raw_config: raw_config["command"] = "dag" # Add defaults from cli. from _pytask.cli import DEFAULTS_FROM_CLI raw_config = {**DEFAULTS_FROM_CLI, **raw_config} raw_config["paths"] = parse_paths(raw_config.get("paths")) if raw_config["config"] is not None: raw_config["config"] = Path(raw_config["config"]).resolve() raw_config["root"] = raw_config["config"].parent else: if raw_config["paths"] is None: raw_config["paths"] = (Path.cwd(),) raw_config["paths"] = parse_paths(raw_config["paths"]) ( raw_config["root"], raw_config["config"], ) = _find_project_root_and_config(raw_config["paths"]) if raw_config["config"] is not None: config_from_file = read_config(raw_config["config"]) if "paths" in config_from_file: paths = config_from_file["paths"] paths = [ raw_config["config"].parent.joinpath(path).resolve() for path in to_list(paths) ] config_from_file["paths"] = paths raw_config = {**raw_config, **config_from_file} config = pm.hook.pytask_configure(pm=pm, raw_config=raw_config) session = Session.from_config(config) except (ConfigurationError, Exception): console.print_exception() session = Session({}, None) session.exit_code = ExitCode.CONFIGURATION_FAILED else: try: session.hook.pytask_log_session_header(session=session) import_optional_dependency("pygraphviz") check_for_optional_program( session.config["layout"], extra="The layout program is part of the graphviz package that you " "can install with conda.", ) session.hook.pytask_collect(session=session) session.hook.pytask_dag(session=session) dag = _refine_dag(session) except Exception: raise else: return dag
def _refine_dag(session: Session) -> nx.DiGraph: """Refine the dag for plotting.""" dag = _shorten_node_labels(session.dag, session.config["paths"]) dag = _clean_dag(dag) dag = _style_dag(dag) dag.graph["graph"] = {"rankdir": session.config["rank_direction"].name} return dag def _shorten_node_labels(dag: nx.DiGraph, paths: list[Path]) -> nx.DiGraph: """Shorten the node labels in the graph for a better experience.""" node_names = dag.nodes short_names = reduce_names_of_multiple_nodes(node_names, dag, paths) short_names = [i.plain if isinstance(i, Text) else i for i in short_names] old_to_new = dict(zip(node_names, short_names)) dag = nx.relabel_nodes(dag, old_to_new) return dag def _clean_dag(dag: nx.DiGraph) -> nx.DiGraph: """Clean the DAG.""" for node in dag.nodes: dag.nodes[node].clear() return dag def _style_dag(dag: nx.DiGraph) -> nx.DiGraph: """Style the DAG.""" shapes = {name: "hexagon" if "::task_" in name else "box" for name in dag.nodes} nx.set_node_attributes(dag, shapes, "shape") return dag def _write_graph(dag: nx.DiGraph, path: Path, layout: str) -> None: """Write the graph to disk.""" path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) graph = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(dag) graph.draw(path, prog=layout)