Source code for _pytask.compat

"""This module contains functions to assess compatibility and optional dependencies."""
from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import shutil
import sys
import types
import warnings

from packaging.version import parse as parse_version

__all__ = ["check_for_optional_program", "import_optional_dependency"]

_MINIMUM_VERSIONS: dict[str, str] = {}
"""Dict[str, str]: A mapping from packages to their minimum versions."""

_IMPORT_TO_PACKAGE_NAME: dict[str, str] = {}
"""Dict[str, str]: A mapping from import name to package name (on PyPI) for packages
where these two names are different."""

def _get_version(module: types.ModuleType) -> str:
    """Get version from a package."""
    version = getattr(module, "__version__", None)
    if version is None:
        raise ImportError(f"Can't determine version for {module.__name__}")
    return version

[docs] def import_optional_dependency( name: str, extra: str = "", errors: str = "raise", min_version: str | None = None, caller: str = "pytask", ) -> types.ModuleType | None: """Import an optional dependency. By default, if a dependency is missing an ImportError with a nice message will be raised. If a dependency is present, but too old, we raise. Parameters ---------- name The module name. extra Additional text to include in the ImportError message. errors What to do when a dependency is not found or its version is too old. * raise : Raise an ImportError * warn : Only applicable when a module's version is to old. Warns that the version is too old and returns None * ignore: If the module is not installed, return None, otherwise, return the module, even if the version is too old. It's expected that users validate the version locally when using ``errors="ignore"`` (see. ``io/``) min_version Specify a minimum version that is different from the global pandas minimum version required. caller The caller of the function. Returns ------- types.ModuleType | None The imported module, when found and the version is correct. None is returned when the package is not found and `errors` is False, or when the package's version is too old and `errors` is ``'warn'``. """ if errors not in ("warn", "raise", "ignore"): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("'errors' must be one of 'warn', 'raise' or 'ignore'.") package_name = _IMPORT_TO_PACKAGE_NAME.get(name) install_name = package_name if package_name is not None else name if extra and not extra.endswith(" "): extra += " " msg = ( f"{caller} requires the optional dependency {install_name!r}. {extra}" f"Use pip or conda to install {install_name!r}." ) try: module = importlib.import_module(name) except ImportError: if errors == "raise": raise ImportError(msg) from None return None # Handle submodules: if we have submodule, grab parent module from sys.modules parent = name.split(".")[0] if parent != name: install_name = parent module_to_get = sys.modules[install_name] else: module_to_get = module minimum_version = ( min_version if min_version is not None else _MINIMUM_VERSIONS.get(parent) ) if minimum_version: version = _get_version(module_to_get) if parse_version(version) < parse_version(minimum_version): msg = ( f"{caller} requires version {minimum_version!r} or newer of " f"{parent!r} (version {version!r} currently installed)." ) if errors == "warn": warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2) return None if errors == "raise": raise ImportError(msg) return module
[docs] def check_for_optional_program( name: str, extra: str = "", errors: str = "raise", caller: str = "pytask", ) -> bool | None: """Check whether an optional program exists.""" if errors not in ("warn", "raise", "ignore"): raise ValueError( f"'errors' must be one of 'warn', 'raise' or 'ignore' and not {errors!r}." ) msg = f"{caller} requires the optional program {name!r}. {extra}" program_exists = shutil.which(name) is not None if not program_exists: if errors == "raise": raise RuntimeError(msg) if errors == "warn": warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2) return program_exists