Source code for _pytask.collect_utils

"""This module provides utility functions for :mod:`_pytask.collect`."""
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Generator
from typing import Iterable
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from _pytask.exceptions import NodeNotCollectedError
from _pytask.mark_utils import remove_marks
from _pytask.shared import find_duplicates
from attrs import define
from attrs import field
from pybaum.tree_util import tree_map

    from _pytask.session import Session
    from _pytask.nodes import MetaNode

__all__ = ["depends_on", "parse_nodes", "produces"]

[docs] def depends_on( objects: Any | Iterable[Any] | dict[Any, Any] ) -> Any | Iterable[Any] | dict[Any, Any]: """Specify dependencies for a task. Parameters ---------- objects Can be any valid Python object or an iterable of any Python objects. To be valid, it must be parsed by some hook implementation for the :func:`_pytask.hookspecs.pytask_collect_node` entry-point. """ return objects
[docs] def produces( objects: Any | Iterable[Any] | dict[Any, Any] ) -> Any | Iterable[Any] | dict[Any, Any]: """Specify products of a task. Parameters ---------- objects Can be any valid Python object or an iterable of any Python objects. To be valid, it must be parsed by some hook implementation for the :func:`_pytask.hookspecs.pytask_collect_node` entry-point. """ return objects
[docs] def parse_nodes( session: Session, path: Path, name: str, obj: Any, parser: Callable[..., Any] ) -> Any: """Parse nodes from object.""" objects = _extract_nodes_from_function_markers(obj, parser) nodes = _convert_objects_to_node_dictionary(objects, parser.__name__) nodes = tree_map(lambda x: _collect_node(session, path, name, x), nodes) return nodes
def _extract_nodes_from_function_markers( function: Callable[..., Any], parser: Callable[..., Any] ) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: """Extract nodes from a marker. The parser is a functions which is used to document the marker with the correct signature. Using the function as a parser for the ``args`` and ``kwargs`` of the marker provides the expected error message for misspecification. """ marker_name = parser.__name__ _, markers = remove_marks(function, marker_name) for marker in markers: parsed = parser(*marker.args, **marker.kwargs) yield parsed def _convert_objects_to_node_dictionary(objects: Any, when: str) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Convert objects to node dictionary.""" list_of_dicts = [_convert_to_dict(x) for x in objects] _check_that_names_are_not_used_multiple_times(list_of_dicts, when) nodes = _merge_dictionaries(list_of_dicts) return nodes @define(frozen=True) class _Placeholder: """A placeholder to mark unspecified keys in dictionaries.""" scalar: bool = field(default=False) id_: uuid.UUID = field(factory=uuid.uuid4) def _convert_to_dict(x: Any, first_level: bool = True) -> Any | dict[Any, Any]: """Convert any object to a dictionary.""" if isinstance(x, dict): return {k: _convert_to_dict(v, False) for k, v in x.items()} if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, str): if first_level: return { _Placeholder(): _convert_to_dict(element, False) for i, element in enumerate(x) } return {i: _convert_to_dict(element, False) for i, element in enumerate(x)} if first_level: return {_Placeholder(scalar=True): x} return x def _check_that_names_are_not_used_multiple_times( list_of_dicts: list[dict[Any, Any]], when: str ) -> None: """Check that names of nodes are not assigned multiple times. Tuples in the list have either one or two elements. The first element in the two element tuples is the name and cannot occur twice. """ names_with_provisional_keys = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(dict_.keys() for dict_ in list_of_dicts) ) names = [x for x in names_with_provisional_keys if not isinstance(x, _Placeholder)] duplicated = find_duplicates(names) if duplicated: raise ValueError( f"'@pytask.mark.{when}' has nodes with the same name: {duplicated}" ) def _union_of_dictionaries(dicts: list[dict[Any, Any]]) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Merge multiple dictionaries in one. Examples -------- >>> a, b = {"a": 0}, {"b": 1} >>> _union_of_dictionaries([a, b]) {'a': 0, 'b': 1} >>> a, b = {'a': 0}, {'a': 1} >>> _union_of_dictionaries([a, b]) {'a': 1} """ return dict(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dict_.items() for dict_ in dicts)) def _merge_dictionaries(list_of_dicts: list[dict[Any, Any]]) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Merge multiple dictionaries. The function does not perform a deep merge. It simply merges the dictionary based on the first level keys which are either unique names or placeholders. During the merge placeholders will be replaced by an incrementing integer. Examples -------- >>> a, b = {"a": 0}, {"b": 1} >>> _merge_dictionaries([a, b]) {'a': 0, 'b': 1} >>> a, b = {_Placeholder(): 0}, {_Placeholder(): 1} >>> _merge_dictionaries([a, b]) {0: 0, 1: 1} """ merged_dict = _union_of_dictionaries(list_of_dicts) if len(merged_dict) == 1 and isinstance(list(merged_dict)[0], _Placeholder): placeholder, value = list(merged_dict.items())[0] out = value if placeholder.scalar else {0: value} else: counter = itertools.count() out = {} for k, v in merged_dict.items(): if isinstance(k, _Placeholder): while True: possible_key = next(counter) if possible_key not in merged_dict and possible_key not in out: out[possible_key] = v break else: out[k] = v return out def _collect_node( session: Session, path: Path, name: str, node: str | Path ) -> dict[str, MetaNode]: """Collect nodes for a task. Parameters ---------- session The session. path The path to the task whose nodes are collected. name The name of the task. nodes A dictionary of nodes parsed from the ``depends_on`` or ``produces`` markers. Returns ------- A dictionary of node names and their paths. Raises ------ NodeNotCollectedError If the node could not collected. """ collected_node = session.hook.pytask_collect_node( session=session, path=path, node=node ) if collected_node is None: raise NodeNotCollectedError( f"{node!r} cannot be parsed as a dependency or product for task " f"{name!r} in {path!r}." ) return collected_node