Source code for

"""This module contains code related to click."""
from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import inspect
from gettext import gettext as _
from typing import Any

import click
from _pytask import __version__ as version
from _pytask.console import console
from click.parser import split_opt
from click_default_group import DefaultGroup
from rich.highlighter import RegexHighlighter
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table
from rich.text import Text

__all__ = ["ColoredCommand", "ColoredGroup", "EnumChoice"]

[docs] class EnumChoice(click.Choice): """An enum-based choice type. The implementation is copied from and related discussion can be found in In contrast to using :class:`click.Choice`, using this type ensures that the error message does not show the enum members. In contrast to the proposed implementation in the PR, this implementation does not use the members than rather the values of the enum. """ def __init__(self, enum_type: type[enum.Enum], case_sensitive: bool = True) -> None: super().__init__( choices=[element.value for element in enum_type], case_sensitive=case_sensitive, ) self.enum_type = enum_type def convert( self, value: Any, param: click.Parameter | None, ctx: click.Context | None ) -> Any: if isinstance(value, enum.Enum): value = value.value value = super().convert(value=value, param=param, ctx=ctx) if value is None: return None return self.enum_type(value)
class _OptionHighlighter(RegexHighlighter): """A highlighter for help texts.""" highlights = [ r"(?P<switch>\-\w)\b", r"(?P<option>\-\-[\w\-]+)", r"\-\-[\w\-]+(?P<metavar>[ |=][\w\.:]+)", ]
[docs] class ColoredGroup(DefaultGroup): """A command group with colored help pages.""" def format_help( self: DefaultGroup, ctx: click.Context, formatter: Any # noqa: ARG002 ) -> None: """Format the help text.""" highlighter = _OptionHighlighter() console.print( f"[b]pytask[/b] [dim]v{version}[/]\n", justify="center", highlight=False ) console.print( "Usage: [b]pytask[/b] [b][OPTIONS][/b] [b][COMMAND][/b] [b][PATHS][/b]\n" ) console.print(, style="dim") console.print() commands_table = Table(highlight=True, box=None, show_header=False) for command_name in sorted(self.commands): command = self.commands[command_name] if command_name == self.default_cmd_name: formatted_name = Text(command_name + " *", style="command") else: formatted_name = Text(command_name, style="command") commands_table.add_row(formatted_name, highlighter( console.print( Panel( commands_table, title="[bold #f2f2f2]Commands[/]", title_align="left", border_style="grey37", ) ) _print_options(self, ctx) console.print( "[bold #FF0000]♥[/] [#f2f2f2][/]", justify="right", )
[docs] class ColoredCommand(click.Command): """A command with colored help pages.""" def format_help( self: click.Command, ctx: click.Context, formatter: Any # noqa: ARG002 ) -> None: """Format the help text.""" console.print( f"[b]pytask[/b] [dim]v{version}[/]\n", justify="center", highlight=False ) console.print( f"Usage: [b]pytask[/b] [b]{}[/b] [b][OPTIONS][/b] [b][PATHS][/b]\n" ) console.print(, style="dim") console.print() _print_options(self, ctx) console.print( "[bold #FF0000]♥[/] [#f2f2f2][/]", justify="right", )
def _print_options( group_or_command: click.Command | DefaultGroup, ctx: click.Context ) -> None: """Print options formatted with a table in a panel.""" highlighter = _OptionHighlighter() options_table = Table(highlight=True, box=None, show_header=False) for param in group_or_command.get_params(ctx): if isinstance(param, click.Argument): continue if getattr(param, "hidden", False): continue # The ordering of -h and --help is not fixed. if == "help": opt1 = highlighter("-h") opt2 = highlighter("--help") elif len(param.opts) == 2: # noqa: PLR2004 opt1 = highlighter(param.opts[0]) opt2 = highlighter(param.opts[1]) elif len(param.opts) == 1 == len(param.secondary_opts): opt1 = Text("") opt2 = highlighter(param.opts[0] + "/" + param.secondary_opts[0]) elif "--" in param.opts[0]: opt1 = Text("") opt2 = highlighter(param.opts[0]) else: opt1 = highlighter(param.opts[0]) opt2 = Text("") if param.metavar: opt2 += Text(f" {param.metavar}", style="metavar") elif isinstance(param.type, click.Choice): choices = "[" + "|".join(param.type.choices) + "]" opt2 += Text(f" {choices}", style="metavar", overflow="fold") help_text = _format_help_text(param, ctx) options_table.add_row(opt1, opt2, highlighter(help_text)) console.print( Panel( options_table, title="[bold #f2f2f2]Options[/]", title_align="left", border_style="grey37", ) ) def _format_help_text( # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915 param: click.Parameter, ctx: click.Context ) -> str: """Format the help of a click parameter. A large chunk of the function is copied from :meth:`click.core.Option.get_help_record` to support styling, show values of enums, etc.. """ help_text = Text.from_markup(getattr(param, "help", None) or "") extra = [] if getattr(param, "show_envvar", None): envvar = getattr(param, "envvar", None) if envvar is None and ( getattr(param, "allow_from_autoenv", None) and ctx.auto_envvar_prefix is not None and is not None ): envvar = f"{ctx.auto_envvar_prefix}_{}" if envvar is not None: var_str = ( envvar if isinstance(envvar, str) else ", ".join(str(d) for d in envvar) ) extra.append(_("env var: {var}").format(var=var_str)) # Temporarily enable resilient parsing to avoid type casting # failing for the default. Might be possible to extend this to # help formatting in general. resilient = ctx.resilient_parsing ctx.resilient_parsing = True try: default_value = param.get_default(ctx, call=False) finally: ctx.resilient_parsing = resilient show_default = False show_default_is_str = False if param.show_default is not None: # type: ignore[attr-defined] if isinstance(param.show_default, str): # type: ignore[attr-defined] show_default_is_str = show_default = True else: show_default = param.show_default # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif ctx.show_default is not None: show_default = ctx.show_default if show_default_is_str or (show_default and (default_value is not None)): if show_default_is_str: default_string = f"({param.show_default})" # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif isinstance(default_value, (list, tuple)): default_string = ", ".join(str(d) for d in default_value) elif inspect.isfunction(default_value): default_string = _("(dynamic)") elif param.is_bool_flag and param.secondary_opts: # type: ignore[attr-defined] # For boolean flags that have distinct True/False opts, # use the opt without prefix instead of the value. default_string = split_opt( (param.opts if param.default else param.secondary_opts)[0] )[1] elif ( param.is_bool_flag # type: ignore[attr-defined] and not param.secondary_opts and not default_value ): default_string = "" elif isinstance(default_value, enum.Enum): default_string = str(default_value.value) else: default_string = str(default_value) if default_string: extra.append(_("default: {default}").format(default=default_string)) if ( isinstance(param.type, click.types._NumberRangeBase) # skip count with default range type and not ( param.count # type: ignore[attr-defined] and param.type.min == 0 and param.type.max is None ) ): range_str = _describe_range(param.type) if range_str: extra.append(range_str) if param.required: extra.append(_("required")) if extra: extra_str = "; ".join(extra) full_help_text = help_text + Text.from_markup(rf" [dim]\[{extra_str}][/]") else: full_help_text = help_text return full_help_text def _describe_range( param_type: click.types._NumberBaseRange, # type: ignore[name-defined] ) -> str: """Describe the range for use in help text. It differs from the :meth:`click.types._NumberRangeBase._describe_range()` because intervals are always ordered as on the number line. Examples -------- >>> from click.types import _NumberRangeBase >>> _describe_range(_NumberRangeBase(min=1)) '1<=x' >>> _describe_range(_NumberRangeBase(max=2)) 'x<=2' """ if param_type.min is None: op = "<" if param_type.max_open else "<=" return f"x{op}{param_type.max}" if param_type.max is None: op = "<" if param_type.min_open else "<=" return f"{param_type.min}{op}x" lop = "<" if param_type.min_open else "<=" rop = "<" if param_type.max_open else "<=" return f"{param_type.min}{lop}x{rop}{param_type.max}"