Source code for

"""Implement the build command."""
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import click
from import ColoredCommand
from _pytask.config import hookimpl
from _pytask.config_utils import _find_project_root_and_config
from _pytask.config_utils import read_config
from _pytask.console import console
from _pytask.exceptions import CollectionError
from _pytask.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from _pytask.exceptions import ExecutionError
from _pytask.exceptions import ResolvingDependenciesError
from _pytask.outcomes import ExitCode
from _pytask.pluginmanager import get_plugin_manager
from _pytask.session import Session
from _pytask.shared import parse_paths
from _pytask.shared import to_list
from _pytask.traceback import remove_internal_traceback_frames_from_exc_info
from rich.traceback import Traceback

    from typing import NoReturn

def pytask_extend_command_line_interface(cli: click.Group) -> None:
    """Extend the command line interface."""

[docs] def main(raw_config: dict[str, Any]) -> Session: # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915 """Run pytask. This is the main command to run pytask which usually receives kwargs from the command line interface. It can also be used to run pytask interactively. Pass configuration in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- raw_config : dict[str, Any] A dictionary with options passed to pytask. In general, this dictionary holds the information passed via the command line interface. Returns ------- session : _pytask.session.Session The session captures all the information of the current run. """ try: pm = get_plugin_manager() from _pytask import cli pm.register(cli) pm.hook.pytask_add_hooks(pm=pm) # If someone called the programmatic interface, we need to do some parsing. if "command" not in raw_config: raw_config["command"] = "build" # Add defaults from cli. from _pytask.cli import DEFAULTS_FROM_CLI raw_config = {**DEFAULTS_FROM_CLI, **raw_config} raw_config["paths"] = parse_paths(raw_config.get("paths")) if raw_config["config"] is not None: raw_config["config"] = Path(raw_config["config"]).resolve() raw_config["root"] = raw_config["config"].parent else: if raw_config["paths"] is None: raw_config["paths"] = (Path.cwd(),) raw_config["paths"] = parse_paths(raw_config["paths"]) ( raw_config["root"], raw_config["config"], ) = _find_project_root_and_config(raw_config["paths"]) if raw_config["config"] is not None: config_from_file = read_config(raw_config["config"]) if "paths" in config_from_file: paths = config_from_file["paths"] paths = [ raw_config["config"].parent.joinpath(path).resolve() for path in to_list(paths) ] config_from_file["paths"] = paths raw_config = {**raw_config, **config_from_file} config = pm.hook.pytask_configure(pm=pm, raw_config=raw_config) session = Session.from_config(config) except (ConfigurationError, Exception): exc_info = sys.exc_info() exc_info = remove_internal_traceback_frames_from_exc_info(exc_info) traceback = Traceback.from_exception(*exc_info) console.print(traceback) session = Session({}, None) session.exit_code = ExitCode.CONFIGURATION_FAILED else: try: session.hook.pytask_log_session_header(session=session) session.hook.pytask_collect(session=session) session.hook.pytask_dag(session=session) session.hook.pytask_execute(session=session) except CollectionError: session.exit_code = ExitCode.COLLECTION_FAILED except ResolvingDependenciesError: session.exit_code = ExitCode.DAG_FAILED except ExecutionError: session.exit_code = ExitCode.FAILED except Exception: # noqa: BLE001 exc_info = sys.exc_info() exc_info = remove_internal_traceback_frames_from_exc_info(exc_info) traceback = Traceback.from_exception(*exc_info) console.print(traceback) session.exit_code = ExitCode.FAILED session.hook.pytask_unconfigure(session=session) return session
@click.command(cls=ColoredCommand) @click.option( "--debug-pytask", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Trace all function calls in the plugin framework.", ) @click.option( "-x", "--stop-after-first-failure", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Stop after the first failure.", ) @click.option( "--max-failures", type=click.FloatRange(min=1), default=float("inf"), help="Stop after some failures.", ) @click.option( "--show-errors-immediately", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Print errors with tracebacks as soon as the task fails.", ) @click.option( "--show-traceback/--show-no-traceback", type=bool, default=True, help=("Choose whether tracebacks should be displayed or not."), ) @click.option( "--dry-run", type=bool, is_flag=True, default=False, help="Perform a dry-run." ) @click.option( "-f", "--force", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Execute a task even if it succeeded successfully before.", ) def build(**raw_config: Any) -> NoReturn: """Collect tasks, execute them and report the results. The default command. pytask collects tasks from the given paths or the current working directory, executes them and reports the results. """ raw_config["command"] = "build" session = main(raw_config) sys.exit(session.exit_code)