Collecting tasks

If you want to inspect your project and see a summary of all the tasks, you can use the pytask collect command.

Let us take the following task.

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated

from pytask import Product

def task_write_file(
    input_path: Path = Path("in.txt"),
    output_path: Annotated[Path, Product] = Path("out.txt"),
) -> None:

Now, running pytask collect will produce the following output.

$ pytask
──────────────────────────── Start pytask session ────────────────────────────
Platform: win32 -- Python <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">3.10.0</span>, pytask <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">0.4.0</span>, pluggy <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">1.3.0</span>
Root: C:\Users\pytask-dev\git\my_project
Collected <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">1</span> task.

Collected tasks:
└── 🐍 &lt;Module;
    └── 📝 &lt;Function <span class="termynal-dim"></span>task_write_file&gt;


If you want to have more information regarding the dependencies and products of the task, append the pytask collect --nodes flag.

$ pytask
──────────────────────────── Start pytask session ────────────────────────────
Platform: win32 -- Python <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">3.10.0</span>, pytask <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">0.4.0</span>, pluggy <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">1.3.0</span>
Root: C:\Users\pytask-dev\git\my_project
Collected <span style="color: var(--termynal-blue)">1</span> task.

Collected tasks:
└── 🐍 &lt;Module;
    └── 📝 &lt;Function <span class="termynal-dim"></span>task_write_file&gt;
        ├── 📄 &lt;Dependency my_project/in.txt&gt;
        └── 📄 &lt;Product my_project/out.txt&gt;


To restrict the set of tasks you are looking at, use markers, expressions and ignore patterns as usual.

Further reading

  • The documentation on the command line interface of pytask collect can be found here.

  • Read here about selecting tasks.

  • Paths can be ignored with ignore.