
workflow management system

A workflow management system (WMF) provides an infrastructure for the set-up, performance and monitoring of a defined sequence of tasks.


A directed acyclic graph (DAG) is a graph with a finite amount of nodes and edges which are connected such that no circles exist.


The program which offers extensibility via entry-points.


Access points for plugins in the host program. At an entry-point, the host sends a message which can be processed by plugins. Then, the plugins may respond.


A plugin is a software which changes the behavior of the host program by processing the message send by the host at an entry-point. A plugin can consist of one or more hook implementations.


See the reference guide on pluggy or the more general explanation on Wikipedia.

hook specification

Another term for entry-point when talking about hooking and pluggy.

hook implementation

A part of the plugin which intercepts the message at one specific entry-point.

private function

A function whose name starts with an underscore. The function should only be used in the module where it is defined.

public function

A function whose does not start with an underscore. The function can be imported in other modules.


A PyTree is a tree-like structure built out of tuples, lists, and dictionaries and other container types if registered. Any other object that is not a registered container is treated as a node in the tree.